If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow. -John Dewey

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Important update!

Dear parents, 

I actually ended up having my baby much earlier than expected. It was totally unexpected, otherwise I wouldn't have sent home all of the info for parent-teacher conferences. 

Matea Bradshaw is subbing for me until I return from maternity leave. I am hoping to be back in 4-6 weeks but where this is our first child we aren't sure what to expect :) 

Matea is so awesome and we are lucky to have her help us out! If you have any questions for her, please email me and I will relay and work with her to get any questions you have answered. 

I will send a note home when I return to school and we can go from there as far as meeting for parent teacher conferences, etc. 

Thank you!!

-Mrs. S. 

Week of September 22nd - 26th