If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow. -John Dewey

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week of March 10th - 14th

March 10th – 14th
Dear Parents/Guardians,

Book Orders: Due, Tuesday, March 18th.

Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We will be working on story elements (setting, character, plot, etc.). Please talk about those things when your child reads baggie books each night.   
Spelling: High Frequency List #9 is enclosed.  
Math: We are starting double-digit subtraction (Topic 11). Please be sure to review the work each night with your child, as we will be going pretty quickly through these next topics.

YPP: We have 151 green dots. Our new class goal is 180 green dots by April 15th. Each student has made an individual goal and will be rewarded if he/she reaches it each week. YPP can be done at home as well. Email me for instructions if they have been misplaced.

March Student of the Month Theme: Motivator - A student who has the ability to help those around him/her seek the good around them.  Helps others make good/right choices and help others to be a better person, student, friend, sibling, etc.

Thank you, and have a good week!

Dates to Remember: 
3/10 Character Ed. Assembly 1:30 pm
3/12 fire drill
3/20 5th Grade Program 9 am

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