If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow. -John Dewey

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 17th - 21st

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Book Orders: Due, tomorrow, Tuesday, March 18th.

Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We will continue to work on story elements (setting, character, plot, etc.). Please talk about those things when your child reads baggie books each night.   
Spelling: High Frequency List #10 is enclosed. This will be our last spelling test of the year.
Math: We have started to learn about how to analyze data in graphs and tables (Topic 14). Please be sure to review the work each night with your child.

YPP: We have 160green dots. Our new class goal is 180 green dots by April 15th. Each student has made an individual goal and will be rewarded if he/she reaches it each week. YPP can be done at home as well. Email me for instructions if they have been misplaced.

March Student of the Month Theme: Motivator - A student who has the ability to help those around him/her seek the good around them.  Helps others make good/right choices and help others to be a better person, student, friend, sibling, etc.

Note from the Principal - It’s that time of year that students bring their baseball bats, gloves and balls to school.  The hard baseballs are not allowed so please make sure they are using soft baseballs.

Thank you, and have a good week!

Dates to Remember: 
3/20 5th Grade Program 9 am

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