If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow. -John Dewey

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7th - 11th

Book Orders: Due Tuesday, April 15th!
We are starting to review extremely heavily, as we have nine school days until we start testing. If your student is absent, please be sure to go over all of his/her missed work. There will be quite a lot of papers that will come home – we will be doing a lot of assessments to see where the students are at and what concepts we need to review more than others.

Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We will be working on newspapers, articles and advertisements the next couple of weeks. We have learned all of the sounds and spellings, so we will begin reviewing them.
We will be DIBELS testing this week during the first hour of school, no more reading workshops.

Math: We will review everything we have learned this year.
YPP: We have 202 green dots. Our new class goal is 210 green dots by April 15th. Each student has made an individual goal and will be rewarded if he/she reaches it each week. YPP can be done at home as well. Email me for instructions if they have been misplaced.

April Student of the Month Theme: Peacemaker - A student who solves problems without fighting and without tattling.
Thank you, and have a good week!
Dates to Remember: Birthdays
4/9 fire drill
4/14-16 YPP Benchmark #3 test (80% or higher for party)
4/15 earthquake drill
4/17-18 Spring Break
4/22 NWEA Math Testing
4/23 NWEA Reading Testing
4/28 PTO Carnival
5/6 9 a.m. Field Trip – there will only be room for those parents who signed up to help at the beginning of the year
5/14  1:30 pm !st Grade Program for parents

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