If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow. -John Dewey

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week of December 16th - 20th

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We are learning sounds and blends. Please review the class work with your child each night. 
Spelling: No spelling test this week. 
Math: We are in Topic 6 this week. We will finish it when we come back from Christmas Break. Please keep reviewing and returning homework each night.
YPP: Our class goal is to earn 100 “green dots” on YPP by February 15th to receive a Cupcake Party. This week we have earned 86 green dots. These green dots can also go away, so the students know to keep trying their hardest each time they go to the computer lab. 

12 Days of Christmas:  Thank you to those who are helping with this fun activity. The kids are loving it! Thank you to those who helped with Polar Express Day as well!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you, and have a good week!

Dates to Remember:                                     Birthdays
12/18 Fire Drill                                                                                     12/17 Stockton HALF Birthday
12/20  8:30 am- Annual Christmas Sing-Along                                     12/20 Mrs. Utley
12/20 10-11 am Class Christmas Party                                                  12/26 Sammy HALF Birthday
12/20 – 1/1 Winter Break                                                                      12/29 Braden HALF Birthday
                                                                                                    01/01 Easton HALF Birthday

Naughty or Nice?

Hey, whatever works this time of year right before Christmas! They MIGHT make it :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Week of December 9th - 13th

Book Orders due tomorrow, December 10th. They should be here in time for Christmas.
Here is what is happening this week:
Reading:             We are learning sounds and blends. Please review the class work with your child each night. 
Spelling:            Our spelling lists are going to look a little different. We will still have the practice test on Thursday, and the real test on Friday. Those who get 100% on the practice test will not have to test on Friday. They will get to play games. List #28 is enclosed.
Math:                We have started Topic 6 this week. Please keep reviewing and returning homework each night.
YPP: Our class goal is to earn 100 “green dots” on YPP by February 15th to receive a Cupcake Party. This week we have earned 87 green dots. These green dots can also go away, so the students know to keep trying their hardest each time they go to the computer lab. I will send a print out of each child’s YPP progress before Christmas break so that they can work on it over the break.

12 Days of Christmas:  Thank you to those who are helping with this fun activity. The kids are loving it!

This week is Polar Express week.  REMEMBER to send your child in pajamas on Friday. They may also bring a blanket, a pillow, and slippers. We will have a guest read The Polar Express, then watch the movie, lounge, and drink hot chocolate afterwards.
Thank you, and have a good week!
Mrs. Stevenett                jadie.stevenett@sevier.k12.ut.us

Dates to Remember:                                 Birthdays   
12/10     PTO Winter Festival/Art Show 5 pm                                   Eli Jones            11th
12/18     Fire Drill                                                                           Mrs. S.               12th
12/20  8:30 am- Annual Christmas Sing-Along
12/20 – 1/1         Winter Break

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week of December 2nd - 6th

I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!!
Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We are learning sounds and blends. Please review the class work with your child each night. 
November Reading Calendars: DUE tomorrow, Tuesday, December 3rd. A pizza hut coupon will be given to those who bring it back tomorrow, no later.
Spelling: Our speling lists are going to look a little different. We will still have the practice test on Thursday, and the real test on Friday. Those who get 100% on the practice test will not have to test on Friday. They will get to play games. List #13 is enclosed.
Math: We will finish Topic 5 this week. Please keep reviewing and returning homework each night.
YPP: Our class goal is to earn 100 “green dots” on YPP by February 15th to receive a Cupcake Party. This week we have earned 80 green dots. These green dots can also go away, so the students know to keep trying their hardest each time they go to the computer lab.

12 Days of Christmas:  This will start on the 4th. We still need a few people to sign up to fill in for our 12 days. If we do not get 12, we won’t be able to do it. If you have not received a sign up sheet and would like to participate, please let me know. I have tried to divvy out the asking so that no one feels overwhelmed.
Thank you, and have a good week!
      Mrs. Stevenett 

Pancake Feast

Thank you Camilla for your help! Thank you to those who brought items. The kids had a blast!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week of November 25th - 29th


Here is what is happening this week:

-We will learn and read about Pilgram children and why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

-We will do a math lesson Monday and Thanksgiving math on Tuesday.

Spelling: No spelling test this week. From now on if a student gets 100% on the practice test (Thursdays) then he/she will not have to take the test again on Fridays. He/she will be able to play games during the test.


The First Grade Pancake Feast is Tuesday, November 26th – we will be eating pancakes and watching a Thanksgiving movie. THANK YOU to all those who donated and brought items for our feast.

Have a very Happy Thanksging!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week of November 18th - 22nd

Remember to bring your Christmas bag back by FRIDAY for the 12 days of Christmas! It needs to be no bigger than a 8” x 11”.

Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We will be learning about helping verbs and plural/possessive nouns.
Spelling: List #8 is enclosed.
Math: We have started Topic 5 so please watch for homework. 
YPP: Our class goal is to earn 100 “green dots” on YPP by February 15th to receive a Cupcake Party. This week we have earned 63 green dots.
Math Workshops: We started math workshops today. Every day, half of the class will go out to the computer lab and work on YPP and the other half will stay with me to work on whatever it is that we need to focus on or need more work with. This will give me a chance to work explicitly with each kid every day in math.
Thank you, and have a good week!

Dates to Remember: 
11/26 Picture Make-Up Day 
11/26 Pancake Feast 10 am – everything this day will be Thanksgiving!
11/27-29 Thanksgiving Break

Mrs. Mitchell 19th 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week of November 11th - 15th

Book Orders are due tomorrow, Tuesday, November 12th. Please order online from now on or pay with a check.

* I still have one book that has not been claimed, if you have previously ordered a book and have not received it, please write me a note or email me.

Keep bringing back box tops! We are so close to 1st!

Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We will learn the letter Y and then will review the alphabet. Check out our “Angry Verbs” on the blog!
We are starting RIT Band groups on Friday. These groups will be every Friday. The groups are based on NWEA test scores in each reading category. Your student may be rotating to a different class during reading workshop time. This will give students the explicit instruction he/she needs in that specific category that he/she may have been low in. Let me know if you have any questions concerning this.
Spelling: List #7 is enclosed.
Math: We are finishing Topic 4 and will test this week.
YPP: Our class goal is to earn 100 “green dots” on YPP by February 15th to receive a Cupcake Party. This week we have received 48 green dots.
Thank you, and have a good week!

Dates to Remember:                           Birthdays
11/14 SSHS Play Assembly 2 PM                                                Rubi Terrazas 9th
11/26 Picture Make-Up Day                                                     Kyle Bettfreund 17th
11/27-29 Thanksgiving Break

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week of Nov. 4th - 11th

Book Orders are due Tuesday, November 12th.

*If you have previously ordered a book and have not received it, please write me a note or email me the name of your book. I still have a few that haven’t been claimed. Please order online from now on or pay with a check.

Remember to turn in Box Tops so that we can get back to 1st place in the box top race.

Here is what is happening this week:
Reading: We will be working with adjectives and compound words.  
Baggie Books: Remember to return these every single day so that the take-home library teacher can check it in.
Reading Calendars: DUE Tuesday, November 5th. A pizza hut coupon will be given to those who bring it back tomorrow, no later.
Spelling: List #6 is enclosed. We will practice test on Thursday and take the spelling test on Friday.   
Math: We are still in Topic 4. Remember to work with your child on the math homework and they should turn it in each day.
Math Timings: Please remember to work with your child every night on his/her timings. We were able to make our goal of 21 students being able to write to 100, so we had a Pixie Party on Wednesday. Our next class goal is to be on our pink timings by December.
YPP: Our class goal is to earn 100 “green dots” on YPP by February 15th to receive a Cupcake Party. This week we have received 30 green dots.

Thank you to all those who helped with our Halloween party – it turned out great and the kids had a blast!
Thank you, and have a good week!
Dates to Remember:
11/14 SSHS Play Assembly
11/26 Picture Make-Up Day
11/27-29 Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Angry Verbs

We have been learning a lot about action verbs - today we did an activity with "Angry Verbs"!

The kids loved it!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

FYI: Halloween Carnival at High School

The carnival starts at 5:00 pm on Wednesday. Magic show is at 7:00 pm.

Fire Alarm today

Hi parents,

I am sure your student will tell you that the fire alarm went off today and fire trucks showed up. Nothing to worry about - no smoke, no fire.

To my understanding, they closed the door to the kitchen, because they were taking school pics in the lunchroom.
The heat sensors went off because they are right over the oven in the kitchen and with the doors shut it triggered the heat sensors, which set off the fire alarm. No smoke, no fire.

Let me know if you have any questions.

-Mrs. Stevenett

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week of October 28th – November 1st

Thank you for all those who attended SEPs last week. I really appreciate your support and interest.
Here is what is happening this week: 

Baggie Books: Return these every single day so that the take-home library teacher can check it in. She will either give your student a new one or let you keep it to keep practicing.
Reading Calendars: DUE Monday, November 4th. A pizza hut coupon will be given to those who bring it back on or before the 4th, no later.
Spelling: List #5.We will practice test on Thursday and take the spelling test on Friday.   
Math: We have started Topic 4. Remember that math homework will be sent home each time we have a lesson – almost every day. It will be the “Practice” side of the sheet. When a student returns 5 homework assignments in, in a row, he/she will be rewarded. The rewards may include 5 minutes extra recess, time in the computer lab on Timez Attack and prizes.
Math Timings: Please remember to work with your child every night on his/her timings. We only need one more student to pass off his/her writing to 100 to have a Pixie Party.  
YPP: We have started Yearly Progress Pro on the computers. We will do YPP twice a week. Our class goal is to earn 100 “green dots” on YPP by February 15th to receive a Cupcake Party.

Thank you, and have a good week!
Dates to Remember:
10/29 School Pictures
10/30 Halloween Safety Program 8:30 am
10/31 Halloween Parade at 1:15 – we will be behind Kindergarten
Halloween Party 1:45-2:45

Monday, October 21, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week of October 21st - October 25th

October 21st – October 25th
I hope you had a great Fall Break!
SEPs are this week. School will be out at 1 pm on the Wednesday the 23rd and no school on the Thursday the 24th. Email me if you have forgotten what time you are scheduled for or if you need a new time.

Reading: We will continue to focus (in-depth) on a new letter of our alphabet every day. We have started learning about adjectives and verbs.
Baggie Books: Return these every single day so that the take-home library teacher can check it in. She will either give your student a new one or let you keep it to keep practicing.
Spelling: No spelling test this week.  
Math: We will test on Topic 3 on Wednesday. Remember that math homework will be sent home each time we have a lesson – almost every day. It will be the “Practice” side of the sheet. When a student returns 5 homework assignments in, in a row, he/she will be rewarded. The rewards may include 5 minutes extra recess, time in the computer lab on Timez Attack and prizes.
Math Timings: Please remember to work with your child every night on his/her timings.  
Art: Next month we will be doing an art project with empty toilet paper rolls so please save one for next month.  

Thank you, and have a good week!
Dates to Remember:
10/21-23 Red Ribbon Week (Drug Free – see enclosed red paper for what to wear for the week)
10/23-24 SEP’s
10/25 Spookley Day (Spookley the square pumpkin)
10/29 School Pictures
10/30 Halloween Safety Program
10/31 Halloween Parade at 1:15 – we will be behind Kindergarten
Halloween Party 1:45-2:45

Monday, October 14, 2013

Q Tip Skeletons

The kids LOVED making this cute little skeletons out of q-tips. Thank you to all those who brought q-tips to help us out.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week of October 14th-18th

Reading: We are still learning a new letter of the alphabet in depth every day.

Math: We started Topic 3 today-how to use a ten frame. The students will now have math homework each night that we have a math lesson -almost every night. 

Have a good fall break!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week of October 7th - 11th

Reading: We are still learning a new letter of the alphabet in depth every day. We will be also be doing activities with compound words, and fiction/nonfiction. 

Math: We will review Topic 2 on Monday and test on Tuesday. We will then start Topic 3 on Wednesday. 

Science: We will learn about bats and what is real and not real. We will also discuss the moon journals and review the moon pleased.

We will be doing an art project and activities for Columbus Day. 

Have a good week!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Week of Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th

NWEA testing went well.
Reading: We are still learning a new letter of the alphabet in depth every day. We will be also be learning about nouns, ownership, and autobiographies.

Math: We are working with story problems and subtraction. We will review and possibly test late in the week.

Science: We will learn about bats and what is real and not real. Remember to keep up on the moon journal:)

Social Studies: The students made superheroes, and determined what they are good at and what they would like to get better at. They had a blast. We will review these goals often and also will discuss them at SEPs.

Have a good week!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week of 23rd - 27th

Apple Day was so fun!! Thank you so much to all who helped put it together!

Reading: NWEA Testing this week. We are still learning a new letter of the alphabet in depth every day. 

Math: We are starting subtraction, just an intro!

Science: We are still learning about the scientific method. Remember to keep up on the moon journal:)

Social Studies: We will be talking about the importance of goal setting. We will also set individual goals. 

Have a good week!! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week of 16th - 20th

Reading: Workshops will start again. DIBELS went very well. We will be learning a new letter in depth every day. 

Math: We are starting Topic 2 - joining and adding, solving story problems using pictures. 

Science: We will be learning about the scientific method. Remember to keep up on the moon journal:)

Apple Day is September 20th. Camilla Thomson and Mindy Winegar have been working hard to get our fun day and party planned and organized. Let me know if you're interested in helping them out! This week, especially Friday, will be EVERYTHING apples. The kids love it! 

Have a good week!! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

REMINDER: Book Orders Due Tuesday, Sept. 10th

Math Timings

            We have started our math timings. If your child comes home with one, that means he/she did not finish. Please work with him/her to finish it each night so that he/she can get further each day. I will be keeping track of where each student gets to so that I can record and see progress. I will be calling home if I do not see progress each week. Thanks!

Week of September 9th - 13th

Reading: We will be DIBELS testing during workshops.

Math: We are still working with simple addition. We will practice test on Wednesday and Test on Thursday.

Science: We will be learning about the five senses and we will take a nature walk to observe our surroundings using our five senses.

Week of September 3rd - 6th

Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend.

Science: We learned about the frog cycle and the moon phases. Be sure to keep up on the moon journal's that I sent home. If you have questions concerning those, please email me. I am sure the kids let you know that we got a class pet - a frog named Fred. They LOVE him!!

Math: We worked with simple addition and how we write addition sentences.

Reading: We have been practicing writing our alphabet. Please work with your child on writing the letters of the alphabet if you feel they need it - their papers come home with them each night.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Day of School Pictures

I will be printing the pictures that we took on the first day of school to send home with your student, but if you would like a digital copy, please email me and let me know and I will email you a digital copy of your child. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Meet the Teacher letter

Here is the Meet the Teacher letter that I sent out prior to school starting. I thought I would post it just in case some didn't receive it and what not.